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[[preprinted]] 46 [[/preprinted]] Puerto Rico 4.
[[left margin]] XII-11-36 [[/ left margin]] Finished the drawing for the Christmas cards and took it to the engravers. Went to the Horn Line to make reservations, - they have to write to C. Trujillo for them. 
Wrote letters to Wetmore, Gressitt, and Linsley. Went for a short ride to see how the motor works, and got several drops of oil spattered on my ankle. they came from the exhaust and burned a blister. The mechanic at the garage thought there was too much oil in the crankcase.
On the radio we learned of the acceptance by Parliament of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] King Edward VIII's abdication. Now it will be King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
[[left margin]] XII-12-36 [[/left margin]] Wrote a letter to Daddy and Mother. They are staying over in England for a few weeks or months, to get a little real rest. Went to Bailey's to see about selling the motor, but have been unable to meet any of the prospects. Spent some time on the charts of how I've spent the days during the trip, and completed the list of locality labels up to date.
After dinner we took the bus to town to see the movie "San Francisco". We enjoyed it very much. Jeanette McDonald has a good voice, though not up to Grace Moore's. The earthquake was well done. showed the new bridges.
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[[preprinted]] 47 [[/preprinted]]
[[left margin]] XII-13-36 [[/left margin]] Sunday. We have decided to have our breakfasts and lunches here in our room. We can save about $20.00 in three weeks. Our landlady will provide dishes and an electric stove for $2 a month.
Wrote letters to Baltimer and ^ [[insert]] to [[/insert]] the American Consul in C Trujillo (Santo Domingo) to announce our stopover in January.
Don't remember anything else. (This is really being written on the 18th, from notes taken more or less on time!).
[[left margin]] XII-14-36 [[/left margin]] Went out in the morning to visit Wolcott at the Insular Experiment Station at Rio Piedras. I found him in, and spent several hours discussing his Insectae Boringuensis, the southern islands, H.E. Bon, the entomological situation in P.R., etc. He presented me with a copy of the very large Ins. Bor., which is a new edition of his previous Ins. Portoricensis. He also loaned me all the Staphs from the collection, and wishes returned not necessarily the same ones, but a set of the common [[underlined]] Puerto Rican [[/underlined]] species. He would also be glad to receive a list of species from PR. as soon as I have it, -- i.e., before publication.
I went to see a prospect for the motorcycle, but it turned out to be a cheap prospect!