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72  Puerto Rico 30.

[[underline]] Station 356 [[/underline]]  
1/2 mile east of station 355; south side of Guamia Lake. From dung on very damp ground at lake edge took 5 Stapho (Xantholininae- [[strike]] 2app [[/strike]] 1 and 1, [[underline]] Philonthus [[/underline]] -1, Aleocharinal-2), 2 [[underline]] Aphodius [[/underline]] , 2 other coleoptera, ants, bugs, larva.
From here we continued on this  backroad till we joined a main road between Guanica and Ensenada.  The latter is the most American town in Puerto Rico. It is the home of the employees at the Guanica Central, the largest sugar factory in the island. (until recently, largest in the world). We went through Ensenada to a beach beyond.
[[underline]] Station 357 [[/underline]]
       E   F
Beach near the mouth of Guanica Bay, west side. [[margin]] A [[/margin]] From  under seaweed took 3 Staphs (Aleocharinae), 1 Carabid, 3 Anthicids, 1 Cistelid, 1 Dryopid, 24 weevils, [[margin]] B [[/margin]] 13 col., 9 Forfics.  From dung took 4 Staphs ([[underline]] Any-Selus [[/underline]] -3, [[underline]] Philonthus [[/underline]] -1).
 We came back through Ensenada, where we stopped at the typical American department store for some Coca Cola and then by the direct road home.
At dinner there was company, , Mr + Mrs. Lee. He is director of the Station. Both of them are from the San Francisco Bay region of California. They were for some time in Hawaii and the Philippines. So there could hardly have been picked

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a more congenial bunch. We talked of football, the Bishop Museum, Guam, transportation in the West Indies, specialists in the Bureau of Entomology, coooperation with the British West Indian agricultural organizations (if any!), etc., etc.
About none o'clock Danforth came by for me, and I excused myself. We went over to his house to look at this specimens of Staphylinidae. He was kind enough to allow me to borrow all the specimens in his own and the University's collections. These numbered 140, all but one from Puerto Rico.
We planned to go collectiong again in the morning and when I got home I found that the Lees' had left. We got to bed about twelve.
[[margin]] I-6-37 [[/margin]]
Slept so soundly last night that we didn't wake up till eight-thirty. Danforth came by before breakfast, so had to wait. He has his assistant, Ramon with him again. Oakley begged off again, partly because he doesn't like Ramon. We went out east (?) of the Station to the College Farm. It was raining lightly but we went anyway.
[[underline]] Station 358 [[/underline]]  
  G   HIJ    large
About 1 mile east of Mayaguez, on the College Farm. [[margin]] A [[/margin]] From decaying grapefruits took 24 Staphs ( 2 spp. of Aleocharinae - 8 and 16), 15 Nitidulids, ants. [[margin]] B [[/margin]] From under bark of dead logs took 189 Staphs