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[[preprinted]] 104 [[/preprinted]]  Jamaica 16.
catch, and reading and reading. About 8 P.M.
we drove up to the house and spent an hour and 
a half collecting at lights.
[[underlined]] Station 393. [[/underlined]]
Home of Mr. Nethersole on south side of Ram's Horn
Ridge, 2/4 mile east of Stony Hill. Took searabs, Coccinellids, lacewings, bugs, etc. etc., at light.
[[left margin]] II-10-37 [[/left margin]] Another day of rest - or inactivity. We went to town for mail, and then went to sign the book at Government House (King's House). After tea Ed and I took a lunch and went up the Hermitage Dam road to try the lantern and sheet.
[[underlined]] Station 394. [[/underlined]]
South side of Ram's Horn Ridge, 1/2 mile east of Stony Hill. The light attracted several small Searabs, 1 lerambycid, and many bugs. We caught also a good series of two species of fireflies.
On the way home we put up the net over car.
[[underlined]] Station 395. [[/underlined]]
Road between Stony Hill and Half Way Tree, Kingston. From the net over the car took Staphs, etc., etc.
We also stopped for fireflies at
[[underlined]] Station 396. [[/underlined]]
About half way between Stony Hill and [[strikethrough]] Half Way Tree, [[/strikethrough]] Constant Spring a small river flat. Took several types of fireflies and one large luminous [[strikethrough]] Elet [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Pyrophorus [[/underlined]] (peenie)
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[[preprinted]] 105 [[/preprinted]]
[[left margin]] II-11-37 [[/left margin]] Mrs. Bonell has invited us to Derry for the weekend, so today was spent doing errands and packing. Just before tea Ed and I went up to Hope Gardens to have a more thorough look at the collection. After tea we joined in for a game of badminton. After dinner we went to call on the Edwards: The subjects of conversation and remarks about Ed's visit I am going to discuss in the first part of Volume 7 (which see).
[[left margin]] II-12-37 [[/left margin]] At nine o'clock we set out with a carfull of baggage to meet Mrs. Bonell at Mendes Pen, near Old Harbour: As we arrived we had a puncture, but quickly changed the tire. Then Ed changed over to Mrs. Bonell's car, and we followed them to a place on Milk River, past Four [[strikethrough]] Roads [[/strikethrough]] Paths and Tollgate, where we ate lunch. Then we followed up Figurary Gully and along a side road to Kensworth Estate, near Newport. This is a (?) utrus estate belonging to the Bonell's. If we like it better than Derry, we can stay there for as long as we wish. We had Tea here, and then went on to Derry by way of Mandeville. After dinner we played a little bagatelle, caught a few [[underlined]] Pyrophorus [[/underlined]] that came in to light, and went to bed very early. The beds are springless, but we may be able to get used to them.