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[[preprinted]] 122 [[/preprinted]] Jamaica 37.
[[underlined]] Station 43 [[strikethrough]] 0 [[/strikethrough]] 1. [[/underlined]]
1 mile west of Bath in St. Thomas, on road to Trinityville. A small pond under a bridge yielded some small Hydrophilids and Dytiscids.
[[underlined]] Station 430. [[/underlined]]
Near Sunning Hill Farm on road from Bath to Trinityville (3 miles west of Bath in St. Thomas). After dark took 4 or 5 species of Lampyrids and some [[underlined]] Pyrophorus. [[/underlined]] We noticed that one had a decidedly reddish color, but found it was reflection through the mesothorax.
We had dinner here but had previously stopped at 
[[underlined]] Station 432. [[/underlined]]
Banana River, 3 miles (by road) west of Cedar Valley on road to Easington. From rocks half buried in the mud of the stream bottom took 9 Dryapids. Ed found a small Hydrophilid in the stream at the base of a small waterfall.
[[underlined]] Station 433. [[/underlined]]
Road between Bath and station 430. From net over car took Staphs, etc., etc.
Instead of coming home the same way we followed down the Morant River to Morant Bay and came home along the coast road. Thirteen miles from town we found three girls with a broken-down car. We delivered a message for them at Up Park Camp barracks.
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[[preprinted]] 123 [[/preprinted]]
[[left margin]] III-3-3 [[strikethrough]] 6 [[/strikethrough]] 7 [[/left margin]] Spent the morning putting away specimens. Went to town to Pan - American and did other errands. PAA has fallen down on refunding our money, and can't seem to straighten it out. We finally drove out to the airport, where we were assured it would be fixed. We also drove a short distance along the new road on the Palisadaes.
After dinner we went to the Palace to see Murder on the Bridle Path. It was "feeble".
[[left margin]] III-4-37 [[/left margin]] Ed and I set out to take pictures of habitats. Took one termitarium, and found some carrion.
[[underlined]] Station 434. [[/underlined]]
6 miles northwest of Kingston on the Spanish Town Road. From beneath a dead dog we took 6 [[underlined]] Creophilus villosus [[/underlined]] and 3 Tenebrionids. 
We went to Hope Gardens. Mr. Edwards gave Ed a set of maps and promised some alcohol.
After lunch we went to town: - Paid for the car, got no satisfaction from PAA, bought a quart of ice cream for tea, and did other errands.
The AAA fixed my license and got me an International Driving Pass (good for one year).
After tea went to call on some friends of Ed's, by name of Bravo. We stayed only a short time, - it was merely a duty call.