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[[preprinted]] 124 [[/preprinted]] Jamaica 36, final.
[[left margin]] III-5-37 [[/left margin]] Spent the day doing errands and packing. We paid for the car arranged for the Sank and the Horn Line to be delivered to the J.A.A. and then to Marjorie Bonell, bought a few gifts, got a gallon of alcohol from Mr. Edwards, etc., etc.
At six o'clock we went to the Edwards for [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] cocktails. While there we met a Mr. A. W. J. Pomeroy, entomologist. According to his account he has been with USOA, on Miss. with Chicago canal work, at BM, in Africa for 17 years, etc. He has a very high opinion of himself, but gave the impression of having been failure everywhere. Ed had never heard of him.
[[left margin]] III-6-37 [[/left margin]] Finished packing and said our goodbyes to the Wooler's before nine. Drove to the pier with the baggage, and then I drove back to the garage. Mr. Masterson sent a chauffeur to take me back to the boat. The T.S.S. Ulua sailed at 10:15 and we skirted the south coast of Jamaica till late afternoon.
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[[preprinted]] 125 [[/preprinted]]
[[left margin]] III-7-37 [[/left margin]] Our first day at sea. Sunday.
Ed had bought a copy of "Raffles", and I spent some time reading it. We played shuffle board, quarts, etc., and talked of Pomeroy and other "things".
I ate heartily and managed to keep from feeling unsteady. I seem to be very hungry before meals, so I eat a lot.
We passed many small islands to starboard [[strikethrough]] yesterday [[/strikethrough]] in the afternoon, but passed off Cuba during the early morning.
A radio message from a nearby ship reported exceptionally fair weather ahead of us.