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Prospect jar new wints
Asst. Cur. Insects
Fair-haired boy
WPA workers
Morrison's "demise" (also cellar)
Motorcycle & canal adventures
Food preferences
Rase[[guess]] meat, no puddings,
Peaches best. Cheeses. Bananas
Coconuts Papaya Canned Corn
Biol. Surv. - BAI. - Div. Ins. USNM.
Sears Roebuck
"hope we can keep you at Mus."
Hornet stings & adrenalin
Religious & leilele [[guess]]
Talk with Wetmore about arst.
Stone, On[[?]], Bl.
Spider man, neuropheroid man
Chance of abolishing Div. of
Ins. Ident. & Class. in Jaron [[guess]]
of museum specialists.
Bierig speaks no English [[right bracket connecting this and next line]]
Boyhood experiences
Tree house of stolen wood
Poor district of Springfield, Mass.
Father best doctor & good dad
Taught code - do best & help
others - based on no life
after death.
Prefers me to any others at his bench
Testing motorcycles & on speedway once
Camera lucida vs. 
projection apparatus
Bootimer & Bruchids