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[[front of an envelope]] [[preprinted]] James Baldwin [[/preprinted]] [[post mark]] Paranizi her yere yalniz PTT ulaştirir [[text in circle]] BEYOĞLU [[line]] 25.8.66 [[line]] 4 [[/text in circle]] [[text in stamp-shaped franking]] TŰRKIYE CUMHURIYETI 0520 [[image - star and left-facing sickle moon, on striped background]] KURUS [[boxed text]] POSTALARI [[/boxed text]] [[/post mark]] MISS PAULA BALDWIN 137 WEST 71st Street New York City - New York [[underlined]] USA [[/underlined]] [[blue & yellow sticker: [[on blue field]] UÇAK ILE PAR AVION - AIR MAIL [[image - stylized white bird]] [[/on blue field]] [[on yellow field]] Gömleklik Elbiseĺik POPLIN Akfil [[/on yellow field]] [[Handwritten under sticker: [[illegible]]]]