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James Baldwin says: "This testimony from a black sister marks the beginning of a new era in the minds and hearts and lives of all black men and women... "I KNOW WHY THE CAGED BIRD SINGS liberates the reader into life simply because Maya Angelou confronts her own life with such a moving wonder, such a luminous dignity. I have no words for this achievement, but I know that not since my childhood, when people in books were more real than the people one saw every day, have I found myself so moved... Her portrait is a Biblical study of life in the midst of death." [[photograph of Maya Angelou]] "[[bold]]A book with a terrible agonizing beauty[[/bold]]... Maya Angelou's story of her life from childhood to the terrible wonderful brink of womanhood is full of laughter and tears, love and hate, failures and triumphs, and above all, understanding." -- JOHN O. KILLENS "[[bold]]Regularly throws out rich, dazzling images which delight and surprise [[/bold]] with their simplicity. But Miss Angelou's book is more than a tour de force of language or the story of childhood suffering: it quietly and gracefully portrays and pays tribute to the courage, dignity and endurance of the small, rural community in which she spent most of her early years in the 1930's...Some of the incidents she depicts are wonderfully funny. But a summary of the incidents cannot do this book justice; one has to read it to appreciate its sensitivity and life." --ROBERT A. GROSS, Newsweek "[[bold]]Simultaneously touching and comic.[[/bold]]" --The New York Times "[[bold]]A work of art which eludes description [[/bold]] because the black aesthetic -- another way of saying 'the black experience' -- has too long been neglected to be formalized by weary clichés... Anyone who doesn't read Maya Angelou doesn't want to know where it was, much less where it's at." -- JULIAN MAYFIELD "[[bold]]It is a heroic and beautiful book.[[/bold]]" --Cleveland Plain Dealer [[bird drawing]] I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou $5.95, now at your bookstore RANDOM HOUSE [[Random House logo]] Photo: Henry Monroe
Transcription Notes:
Newspaper advertisement for "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou. Clipped; no indication of date or newspaper name. Page 45 in upper right corner of clipping.