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[[underline]] Alouatta palliata [[/underline]], July 10, 1960, I.
[[circled]] 41 [[/circled]]
[[squiggly line along length of left margin]]

He has developed into an unmistakable [[symbol for male]] One testes fully descended, the other partly so. Occasional erections A modderately developed beard, a slight trace of reddish fringe along the sides Can produce the full Roar of adult ♂'s. Still very active and "playful", however.
I have been acquiring new Howlers since the epidemic. These include the following:
Shirley Temple. Fell out of a tree near the clearing a couple of months ago, and caught by one of the boys. Quite small. Apparently in good health, but quite shy, easily frightened, and rather "sullen" Certainly not fixated on me.
Gladys. Bought at the nearest market about a month ago. Larger than Shirley Temple; but not much. Not fixated on me; but not nearly so shy as Shirley Temple. Apparently has just reached the playful stage.
Both Shirley Temple and Gladys seem to be typical of the local population of Howlers. Quite black all over.
Shirley Temple and Gladys were kept in a small inside cage together for several weeks. Became fixated on one another. Now moved into a big inside cage with Bully (Z). Scared stiff of Bully at first; but have now settled down quite well. Shirley Temple is still fixated on Gladys; but I think that Gladys has become fixated on Bully. At night, now, Shirley Temple sleeps by herself, near the lamp, while Gladys and Bully sleep together, away from both the lamp and Shirley Temple.
I also have two other young Howlers: Goldilocks & Narceiso. They have been bought, from the same dealer, (on J Street), during the last couple of weeks. Goldilocks is about the same size as Gladys. Very