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March 28, Tuesday
Warm Sunday (also Sat.) 79[[degree symbol]] yesterday, 70[[degree symbol]] this A.M. at 7:00. Gently misty drizzle. Pair of [[underline]] Purple Martins [[/underline]] off 2nd. Street So., just past old Glebe Road, as Claire drove me in to work.

April 1- Saturday
Cool the last few days- to -30[[degree symbol]] at night in 40's and 50's in afternoon. Frogs singing on milder nights. Star + Soulangeana magnolias beginning to bloom, Forsythia doing fine, some early spirea, etc. Many gulls up in parks last week.
To woods briefly in afternoon (12:25-1:15) with Susan - no binocs. Phoebes, several Brown Creepers, Robins, one or two Myrtle Warblers, Downies, Jays, Grackles, Song Sparrows, etc. Houses nearly complete at our old parking place. New path cut through