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Lee said he killed one at house this morning. Purple Martin flew overhead. Titmice called nearby. Forsythia blooming wonderfully, but past peak. Spirea blooming nicely-many Jonquils. In woods, many anemones and a few bluets. [[underline]] Red Winged Blackbirds [[/underline]] high over head.
April 9. Sunday.
To woods about noon. Heard song and scolding chatter of Ruby Crowned Kinglets. Saw one [[underline]] Golden-Crown [[/underline]] above G.W. Survey marker-appeared to be male. Several Brown Creepers, Titmice, Chickadees, Flicker, Downy, Cardinals, Carolina Wrens. One Winter Wren hunting along ravine up to Glen Carlyn. Many Robins. Found more fresh park-paths chopped thru woods.