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[[underline]] 1950 [[/underline]]

Broad Winged Hawks (2), Yellow-billed Cuckoo (1), Crested Flycatcher, Swifts, Phoebes, Acadian Flycatchers, Peewees, White-Br. Nuthatch, Titmice + Chickadees, Catbirds 5-6, Wood Thrushes, Many Olive-Backed Thrushes (although seemingly fewer than in recent days) Red-Eyed Vireos, 2-3 Black & White Warblers, several Parulas, 1 Yellow (at home), 2 Magnolias, 3-4 Black-Throated Blues (all seen were males), 8-10 Chestnut-sided Warblers, 2-3 Black-Poll warblers singing, no. of Oven Birds, 3-4 Kentucky Warblers, Maryland Yellowthroats (2), several Hooded Warblers, 2 Canadas, 6-8 Redstarts, Baltimore Oriole (1), no. of Cowbirds about woods & at home; half-dozen Scarlet Tanagers, including two males flying at unhurried pace as one chased (?) the other across the woods, high across the tree tops; several Cardinals, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak calling, Indigo Bunting singing,