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marker), Red - Eyed(3-4); these warblers: Black & White(3-4- saw one male),[[underlined]] not a single parula [[/underlined]], yellow(at home), thought I saw one Magnolia(not positive), Blackpoll(30-40 or more), Oven Bird(3-4), Hooded W.(2-3), Canada(1 [[male symbol]], Redstart(6-8 mostly female), Scarlet Tanager(heard 2), Indigo Bunting(1), Towhee(8-10), Song Sps. 
[[underlined]] Notably absent [[/ underlined]] - Gnatcatchers, Parulas, Bl. Thr. Blue & Green, Chestnut-sided, Kentucky.

May 28,1950 - Sunday
Went to 6:30 Mass, registered Susan for kindergarden, got to woods about 7:30. Beautiful morning , mild temperature, got cloudy by 10 or 11, & there was occasional mist until 8, then a drizzle.
Saw and/or heard these: