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Crows, [[underline]] Spotted Sandpiper[[/underline]] (as on every day recently I have looked for this bird. Today, one flew past me at Survey Marker, going downstream. A little later I came out within 50 feet of it without startling it, near the "Swing tree," and watched it as it bobbed about, very noticeable bar of white down flanks - spots very obvious, bobbing motion & other marks also. When it first passed me the very shallow wing-beat - from the ends of the wings - was seen);  Mourning Dove calling, Cuckoo flying by ( [[underline]] probably [[/underline]] Yellow-Bill), Swifts, Hummingbird, Male Hairy (at same tree, again very noisy and nervous in action - couldn't locate a nest-hole), Kingbirds, Crested Flycatcher, Phoebe, Acadian, Peewee, Jays, Titmice, Nuthatch, Catbirds, Woodthrushes, Olive-backed Thrushes (one very close