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up, one calling), Gray-cheeked Thrush (one, along path near old red house, in good light. In laurels, then hopping along path, while an Oven-Bird made several furious "passes" at it), Yellow-throated Vireo (2 - 4), Red-Eyed (6 - 8); Warblers: Black & White (3 - 4), Yellow (1 in Gannon's pear tree, then in my young sycamore), Black-Polls (no. - about as yesterday, perhaps lower), Oven-bird (4 - 6), Kentucky (2), Yellowthroat (2 [[male symbol]] ), Yellow-breasted Chat (1 on Honeysuckle Creek, singing frequently), Hooded Warbler (3 - 4, [[male symbol]] & [[female symbol]] ), Redstarts ( 4 - 6, saw 2 [[female symbol]] ), Cowbird (1 calling), Tanager (1 calling, 1 singing), Towhees, Song Sparrows.