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Hooded Warblers, female Redstart, Towhee, Song Sparrows, 2 Parulas.

Sept. 16, 1951 - Sun.
Same as yesterday, plus [[underlined]] one Magnolia Warbler [[/underlined]] across tracks from Dark Pool; one Blackpoll W. pecked away at a ripe wildcherry in yard at home. Several Parulas.

Sept. 22, 1951 - Saturday
Usual, every-day birds plus these: Black & White Ws (2), Parulas (2), Magnolias [[underlined]] (at least [[/underlined]] 5 in one spot just west of Dark Pool, near Warbler oak, eating in giant weeds along tracks - whick I thought of as a giant ragweed, but may be black snakeroot, altho it runs up to 12 feet tall.), 1 Black-Throated Green, 1 Chestnut-sided, 2-3 [[underlined]] Bay-breasted warblers, [[/underlined]] few Blackpolls, 1 Oven bird, 2 Hooded