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[[drawings of two beaks]]

binocs at random anywhere in the trees, and find one or more birds - as I did. Once, caught a flash of white, as love male [[underlined]] Rose Breasted Gosbeak [[/underlined]] flew into range. A slight move of the glasses picked up two more males.
Soon the song of a [[underlined]] Black-throated Green [[/underlined]] warbler sang out, although I didn't see him; then the songs of two [[underlined]] Yellow-throated Vireos [[/underlined]] near the tracks. A male Black and White Warbler hitched around an oak, while another sang up near the houses. Two Nuthatches made repeated trips in and out of a nest hole 50 feet up in an oak, where a limb had been. Heard the distinctive "Swee-ee-d-d-d-d-z-z-z" song of a [[underlined]] Blue-winged Warbler [[/underlined]] repeated several times but could not locate it.