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Then, high in top of an oak about 100 feet in from Lee Blvd., above the road leading from near the end of the bridge, I saw a lovely male [[underlined]] Blackburnian Warbler, [[/underlined]] just for a moment in full sun. Breathtaking, as always. Two Oven-Birds sang here, several Cowbirds, Wood Thrushes, one young Scarlet Tanager (♂) with yellowish-red areas on lower body & sides; Towhees called and sang, Barns Swallows twittered overhead, two Phoebes flew about, and White-throated Sparrows called and sang, Jays called. Two or 3 Hooded Wr.
Going down through woods, I saw a Turkey Vulture overhead; many white throats; several flickers along way; Chimney Swifts overhead; forgot to mention Kingbirds over our new home when I left and Purple Martins along way; one Crow; Chickadees and Titmice; another