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nuthatch; two House Wrens; Carolina Wrens singing; 4 Catbirds near Dark Pool; Cooper's Hawk being chased by a Starling near Warbler Oak; Mockingbird in Glen Carlyn; 1 Brown Thrasher; many Robins; perhaps a dozen Wood Thrushes; Bluebirds at home & Glen Carlyn; one Ruby-Crowned Kinglet singing loudly; many Starlings, several pairs nesting in woods, one pair feeding noisy young near rustic bridge. Near Lookout Point a [[underlined]] Red-Eyed Vireo [[/underlined]] sang steadily - did not see it. As I came down into Jack-in-the-Pulpit clearing, actively caught my eye, about 25 feet up in a beech tree. A [[underlined]] Worm-Eating Warbler [[/underlined]] hunted busily about the mass of brown leaves forming a squirrel's nest, hanging head down, and rummaging about, then went on two [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]]