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calling; one [[underlined]] Belted Kingfishes [[/underlined]] near Grey Rock at stepping stones; Flickers; 1 Red-Bellied Woodpecker; 1 Kingbird at home; One Crested Flycatcher calling near Lookout Point, and two together [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] ranging 10-25 up in trees at bend in Honeysuckle Stream, near fallen birch (above honeysuckle from which I named it), hopping and flying about very tamely as tho' nest hunting; 3-4 Phoebes; an Empidorax which must have been the [[underlined]] Least Flycatcher, [[/underlined]] near the Crested - smaller than a Myrtle Warbler sitting near it - it was very quiet - no calls; two Prairie Horned Larks were on Evans' front yard this eve, then flew to his unsodded back yard, where one sang from a clod; many Barn Swallows, skimming lawns and street at home, calling everywhere; 2-3 Martins; Jays; 1 Crow; 2-3 Titmice; 1 Nuthatch; 4-6 House Wrens along tracks; 4-6 Catbirds;