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one up Honeysuckle Stream, and two in undergrowth across stream from gray rock - 3 were calling their "churrr" call note; flock of Waxwings near Survey marker; Starlings; 2 Blue-Headed (Solitary) Vireos; 6-8 Red-Eyed; 1 Warbling Vireo; [[insertion]] at least [[/insertion]] 3-4 Tennessee Warblers (all light underneath, constantly singing the ventriloquist "sweeet-sweet-chipple-chipper-chipper-dizzle-dizzle" song - very restless, and most difficult birds to locate that I've ever seen. Song such as I wrote down for Nashville last year, & as Forbush says, but the markings of these birds are those of the Tennessee. Could get only [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] worthwhile look today, although the birds [[underlined]] seemed [[/underlined]] everywhere I went - constantly on move in tops of trees, from end to end of woods; [[strikethrough]] one Nash [[/strikethrough]]