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4-6 Parulas singing; 10-15 Magnolia Warblers, only two adult males, singing as they hunted; two (2) male Cape May Warblers; 8-12 Black-Throated Blues (all seen were males); 30-50 or perhaps up to 100 Myrtle Warblers; 6-8 Black Throated Green Warblers - including one especially lovely male; 2 Blackburnians; 4-6 Chestnut-Sided [[margin]] ** [[/margin]] - all males; [[underlined]] 4-6 Blackpolls [[/underlined]] Warblers - heard first one on Westmoreland, and song didn't sink into my consciousness until I heard another at parking spot at 3rd. & Jefferson - others near "Bird feeder" house, & Honeysuckle stream; 8-12 Oven Birds; 3-4 Louisiana Water Thrushes, 2 Kentuckys; one male & one female Yellow-throat - not together, [[strikethrough]] Y [[/strikethrough]] Chat - at white house on hill, both going & coming to car; 2-3 Hooded, Warbler; 8-12 Redstarts, including 2 females; Engl. Sparrows; Meadow Larks; 2 Baltimore Orioles, one singing, one calling; Grackles