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birds while Susan waited patiently - watched one for 10 minutes in bright sunlight, about 50 feet up - for 5 minutes it sat in one spot and sang repeatedly - its "sweet-sweet-sweet-chipper-chipper-chipper" song, with slight variations ); 2-4 Parulas; 3-4 magnolias; [[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]] Cape May ( [[female symbol]]); 6-8 Black-Throated Blues; 2-4 Black-Throated Greens; one Blackburnian ; 3-4 Chestnut-sided Ws.; 8-10 Blackpalls; 8-10 Oven-birds; 3-4 Louisiana Water Thrushes; 2 Kentuckys; 1 Yellow-throat; 1 Chat; 3-4 Hooded Warblers (ind. on female); [[underline]]1 male Canada Qarbler[[/underline]] high in an oak on the hillside directly opposite Beech Bend, singing frequently; 4-6 Restarts (ind. 2 females); 1 Engl. Sparrow; 8-10 Meadowlarks at home; 2 Baltimore Orioles singing & calling (saw one male at Survey Marker), Grackles; 3-4 Scarlet Tanagers; 3-4 Cardinals,