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one Cuckoo flew rapidly overhead - East along the tracks - the Yellow-Bill, I believe; Swifts; Hummingbird; several flickers - one female sat near a large nest hole while a Starling went in, brought out a bill - full of nest material, and dropped it; 1 Red-Bellied Woodpecker; one Downy and one Hairy, near Lookout Point; 3-4 Kingbirds; 2 Crested Flycatchers; 4-6 Phoebes; [[underlined]] Acadian Flycatcher [[/underlined]] seen for first time today - two - the first near Gray Rock, the other near Jack-in-Pulpit clearing; several Peewees; Horned Larks at home, but very little singing for last few days; many Barn Swallows; 8-10 Jays; 2 Crows; 1 Chickadee; 2-3 Titmice; 3-4 House Wrens; 2-4 Carolina Wrens; Mockingbird; 4-6 Catbirds; 1 Brown Thrasher;