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Robins; 10-15 Wood Thrushes; 10-15 Olive-backed Thrushes; 2 Bluebirds at nest stub up gravel road from Lookout point to the parking lot (nuthatch popped into hole & out); Starlings at 4-6 nest sites in woods; 2-4 Red-Eyed Vireos; 3-4 Parulas; 3-4 Cape Mays; (incl. 1 ♀) 4-6 Black-Throated Blues; perhaps 15-20 Myrtles; 2-3 Black-Throated Greens; 6-8 Chestnut-Sides; [[insertion]] (1 ♀) [[/insertion]] 10-15 Blackpolls; 6-8 Ovenbirds; 2-4 L. Water Thrushes; 2 Kentucky Warblers; 1 Male Maryland Yellow-throat; 3-4 Hooded Warblers; saw [[underlined]] 7 [[/underlined]] male Canada Warblers - heard several more singing; 6-8 Redstarts (incl. 2 females); English Sparrows near R.R. track at J. in P. trestle; Meadowlarks; Grackles; 6-8 Cowbirds; 3-4 Scarlet Tanagers (incl. 2 females); Cardinals; 2 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks calling; Goldfinches;