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was not too warm in T-shirt, wool shirt & leather jacket. Left woods about 8:35.
Broadwinged Hawk whistled near Survey Marker; Killdeers flew over Westmore Gardens; 2-3 Doves; Swifts; 1 Ruby Throated Hummingbird; 2 Flickers; 3-4 Kingbirds; 2 Crested Flycatchers - widely separated; 2 Phoebes at the Park Rest House, where they have a nest atop one column and a partial nest atop another, and 2-3 others at other points; 3-4 Acadian Flycatchers; 3-4 Peewees; Horned Larks calling at home; many Barn Swallows; Jays; 1 Chickadee; 2 Titmice; 1 Nuthatch; 1 Carolina Wren; 4-6 Catbirds; Robins; 6-8 Wood Thrushes; 15-20 Olive Backs - perhaps more - sharp "puk" call came from many points - every dark-backed thrush I saw was an Olive-back;