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I went to woods; 1 Solitary Sandpiper at Dark Pool; Mourning doves; 4 Yellow-Billed Cuckoos (3 in Glen Carlyn Woods, 1 flying across Westmore Gardens); Swifts; 2 Hummingbirds; 2-3 Flickers; 2 Red-Bellied Woodpeckers at nest hole in young oak (about 6" in diam. at level of nest - 35-40 feet up) on road from J-in-P. clearing up to Parking lot - almost directly across road from nest stub Bluebirds have been at. Male sighted beside hole, and female popped out & flew away. Guess they gave the other hole up to the Starlings; 1 Downy; 2 Kingbirds on two gate posts to East of our house as we pulled into yard about 4:15; 3-4 Crested Flycatchers - two in Park; 4-6 Phoebes - one sitting on nest on left columns of Rest House; 2-3 Acadian