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Flycatchers; 2-3 Peewees; Barn Swallows; Jays; Chickadee at nest tree at Dark Pool; 2 Titmice; 1 Nuthatch; 2 House Wrens; Carolina Wren; Mockingbirds; 6-8 Catbirds; Robins; 10-15 Wood Thrushes; probably 20-30 Olive-Backed Thrushes, two singing soft whisper versions of their song; 1 Veery calling the sharp "churrr, churrr" call note; Bluebirds - our two busily nest building in the box; Starlings; 1 Yellow Throated Vireo calling in woods across Rochester Road; 8-10 Red-Eyed Vireo; 1 male Black & White W. on Honeysuckle Stream - first I've seen in several days - flew down to stream about 10 feet from me as I stood up on the bank - drank several swallows of water; 4 Tennessee Warblers - first one singing in big oak on 2nd house from 31st St., on Westmoreland Drive - toward Lee Hiway, others in Park - one studied at some length in trees across stream from J-in-P