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big beak - full of green leaf pieces, flew to the nest-hole - changed its mind and flew again to the "dumping spot", and shook the leaf particles from its bill into the air.

May 17, 1952 - Sat.
Beautiful morning, somewhat cool. Enough wind to keep tree tops in constant motion, although not violent. Met Nick Ken on trail. Said that his count last Saturday was 100 species.
1 Turkey Vulture; 2 Killdeers; 1 Spotted Sandpiper on gravel at 32nd. & Underwood; one Solitary at Dark Pool; 3-4 Doves; 3 Yellow-Billed [[margin]] * [[/margin]] Cuckoos and [[underlined]] 1 Black-Billed [[/underlined]] - first saw the Black-Billed in a sapling oak beside R.R. track near Trestle nearest Lee Blvd. - at the picnic area. He caught