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southwest; several Phoebes, at
home & in park, many Goldfinches
at home; Grackles -10-20;
many Jays; Killdeer at home;
Mockingbird; Wite-Breasted
Nuthatch; 1 Redstart Robins;
Chipping & Song Sparrows; [[underscore]]White
Throated Sparrows[[underscore]]; Starlings
still nesting; many Swifts;
femae Sc. Tanager eating dogwood
berries in little clearing across
tracks from J in P clearing; two
[[underscore]]Olive Backed Thrushes[[underscore]], one other
uncertain, due to poor light in theishet[guess]
1 Wood Thrush on ground after
fallen dogwood berries; Titmice
2-3; 1 [[underscore]]Solitary Vireo[[underscore]] near Warbler
Oak; 2 Turkey Vultures; no. of 
Bay-Breaste WS (see above); 1 male
[[underscore]]Black-throateed Speen[guess][[underscore]] near Wild
Cherry trees opposite J in P clearing,
& to East - along with 3-4 Bay-Breats;
1 female Bl. & White; [[underscore]]3-4 Tennessee
Warblers[[underscore]] near Lookout Point. 1 Down
Woodpecker; several Caroline Wrens, rather