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and didn't get to Woods until 7:30 - left there about 9:00. Brilliant light pleasantly cool. Temp. well up in 70's by afternoon.
  Had quick glimpse of what I believe was a hawk flashing through woods West of Dark Pool. Several times after that birds gave alarm notes along tracks, but saw nothing.
  Killdeer(1) calling over house at 8:00 P.M.; many Swifts; Flicker(1); Red-bellied Woodpecker(2); Red-headed Woodpecker(1) calling; Sapsucker(1); Hairy Woodpecker(2); Downys(3-4); Phoebe(1) calling; Jays(15-25); Crows(3-4); Chickadees(6-10); Titmice(6-8); Nuthatch(2); Brown Creeper(1) calling; Carolina Wren(3-4); [[underlined]] still no Winter Wrens [[/underlined]]; Mockingbird(2);