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Rochester); Black-throated Blue W. singing across Rochester; Black-poll warblers (2-3 across Rochester); Ovenbird (same place); Meadowlarks (2-3); Cowbirds (1-2); Chipping Sparrows (1-2); Song Sps (1-2);

May 15, 1953
Fine morning, warm day, but rain in [[underlined]] late [[/underlined]] afternoon. Had long walk in Glen Carlyn Park, arriving there about 7:00 and leaving about 10:15 or so.
  These birds heard and/or seen:  Bob-white (1) calling in large vacant lot bordered by trees & underbrush on Fairfax Drive; Solitary Sandpiper calling over house about 9:00 P.M. "peet-weet-weet" repeated several times as it circled in darknes; Mourning Dove (3-4); Yellow-billed Cuckoo (2 calling) - 1 near home, one in Park; Night-Hawk (1 calling over home); Chimney Swifts (many); Hummingbird (3); Flickers (3-4; one drumming loudly);