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Our percussion shells blew up four of their caissons (amunition wagons, which go with the battery) which made terrible destruction in their batteries, and we destroyed several of their guns with our heavy shot.-
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    This is the most terrible fight of the whole war, but we have achieved a Great Victory.- 
This is the result of having [[pencil underline]] McClellan [[/pencil underline]] to command.- [[pencil underline]] He was [[/pencil underline]] on the field all day and excited the greatest enthusiasm among the men.  The rebels had over 120,000 men, while we had but eighty, but [[pencil underline]] McClellan [[/pencil underline]] was there and that was equal to an army.  I had some terrible wounds in my batteries, from shells, and [[pencil underline]] amputated two legs on the field [[/pencil underline]].- We lost two killed and many horses killed from shells and solid shot.
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    I rode over the field to see the sights. I tell you it was terrible the havoc we made among the rebel hordes.  They left all their dead and wounded in our hands and fled in the night.  I saw 145 dead rebels in [[ink underline]] one [[/ink underline]] ditch to be buried, and the field was covered with thousands and thousands of dead and wounded, dead horses by hundreds and all kinds of ruin.-  We have captured over 25 pieces of artillery and any quantity of 
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prisoners besides what the rebels destroyed in their hasty flight.  They left their tents all standing and their guns stacked, muskets by hundreds thrown away, and fresh beef and flour all ready for use.  In their whole invasion there did not 500 men join them from Maryland.