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a good flyer does not worry about a stabilizer.  I asked him about [[red underline]] Sperry's Gyroscope [[/red underline]] stabilizer.  He tells me the latter in his successful flight used the [[red underline]] Gyroscope [[/red underline]] in conjunction with the [[red underline]] Wright stabilizer. [[/red underline]]
Thinks [[red underline]] Sperry's Gyroscope [[/red underline]] if used alone dangerous.  As to [[red underline]] Glenn Curtiss [[/red underline]] he says that the latter used publicity to the utmost in order to disseminate wrong information and to influence public opinion.  Does not consider him [[red underline]] neither a good engineer nor a good flyer [[/red underline]] but he had a [[strikethrough]] well [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] a good business organization and clever patent lawyers. [[/red underline]] Says that the published experiments of Curtiss where he claims to have made the old [[red underline]] Langley [[/red underline]] machine fly by equipping it with a suitable motor are misleading
They were carried out [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]]
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without reliable witnesses and if after successive vain efforts to make the machine fly, he only succeeded after he had adapted the [[red underline]] Langley machine with the essential Wright devices without which flight is impossible. [[/red underline]] Stated positively that without these devices the [[red underline]] Langley machine [[/red underline]] cannot fly even if you equip it with a suitable motor.  Because the [[red underline]] principles enunciated by Langley are erroneous [[/red underline]] and contrary to the principle of aviation.  He talked about the trickery of patent lawyers and the insufficiency of our patent laws etc. 
[[a vertical red line in left margin highlights the following sentence]]
Afterwards Mr. [[red underline]] Deeds [[/red underline]] told me [[red underline]] Wright had talked to me more and longer than they had ever seen him talk to anybody as long as he had been living in Dayton. [[/red underline]]
[[/vertical red line in left margin]]
I had been told before that Orville Wright was a

Transcription Notes:
Glenn Curtiss was an American aviation pioneer.