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[[symbols "#" and a circle topped by a cross are in the top left margin]]
in matter of interference about [[red underline]] Naphtalene patent. [[/red underline]] I said we were willing to let them have free license of this patent in case we win, if they are willing to do the same if they win.  [[red underline]] Brown like usually played first the velvet paw, [[/red underline]] then showed his pointed nails after he can not obtain a license for composite cardboard
[[symbol and annotation in left margin]] # 1 h. [[/symbol and annotation]]
At noon time I terminated the interview.  [[red underline]] Zabriskie [[/red underline]] brought me in his office together with Stauffer of Stauffer Chemical Co of San Francisco who contemplated putting up [[red underline]] electrolytic caustic soda plant [[/red underline]] on Pacific Coast.  [[red underline]] Referred him to Bush. [[/red underline]] (Charge one hour to Hooker).  
[[symbol showing a circle topped by a cross in left margin with annotation]] 4 h [[/symbol and annotation]]
Then went for lunch with Porter and remained with him from 12 till 4 P.M discussing present situation (Charge 4 hours) of which one hour with Peter [[strikethrough]] in Brooklyn [[/strikethrough]] at
[[end page]]

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[[symbol showing circle topped by a cross in top left margin]]
supper where I brought him together with Bush so as to examine whether it would not be better for Hooker and Baking to cooperate so as to simplify and decelerate the whole project.
Went home very tired.

April 15. A very busy day.  Dictated all day. [[red underline]] Lawrence [[/red underline]] announces that following my orders he has succeeded in making [[red underline]] a varnish with Resorcine, [[/red underline]] that hardens at ordinary temperature and quickly at 40° C.  I now tell him to use it for cold molding mixtures which will harden at low temperatures.  Feel very tired and after effects [[red underline]] of Grippe. [[/red underline]] 
[[symbol of circle topped by a cross in left margin with annotation]] 3 h [[/symbol and annotation]]
All afternoon wrestling with that german affidavit for [[red underline]] Berlin Patent Office [[/red underline]] and Miss Evans knows no german.  [[Harrassing?]] work.
Then Dr. Peter came here to rewrite some of his statements (Charge 3 hours)

Transcription Notes:
"Naphthalene" is a water-insoluble hydrocarbon. "Resorcin" is a water-soluble solid obtained from certain resins.