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Got as much interested in it as if it were for myself.  Went to find some program where [[red underline]] he can study science [[strikethrough]] wit [[/strikethrough]] and gather positive knowledge without being further bothered [[/red underline]] by mathematics or foreign languages of which he has become [[over?]] saturated.

May 3.  At 11. A.M met [[red underline]] Byron Goldsmith [[/red underline]] at Chemists Club by appointment.  He tells me [[red underline]] Redman [[/red underline]] people have approached him to [[red underline]] settle their interference [[/red underline]] 
I advised him to push on in as far as he has spent most of work and money and later on we shall see.  
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 4 hs. [[/symbol and annotation]]
At lunch met [[red underline]] Wallace Cohoe [[/red underline]] and some other chemists Drs Mathews, Hirsch etc.  Then to Brooklyn from 2 P.M. till 6 P. M (Charge 4 hours)
Kept a [[red underline]] general conference [[/red underline]] and general discussion relative
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estimates of [[red underline]] cost of tartaric, [[/red underline]] formats and oxalates and come [[red underline]] to conclusion that for 3 tons tartaric it would require 1/2 million Dollars [[/red underline]] more than for the 9 ton oxalic plant altho earnings would not be larger than for oxalic plant.  Concluded to build one full one ton unit for oxalic and in Brooklyn and buy NaOH even at present high cost so as to try out this missing link
in our experience on a full working unit before going at it on a full one million Dollar scale.  At evening went to concert and supper of University Club Mendelsohn Glee Club.) Home with 12:25 AM.

May 4. Was asked to be at meeting of directors of [[red underline]]  Royal Baking Powder Co. [[/red underline]] (Charge 3 hours) [[strikethrough]] Dictated [[/strikethrough]] Dictated some informal notes on this subject before going
[[symbol in left margin showing circle topped by a cross with annotation]] [[overwritten]] 3 [[/overwritten]] 4 hs. [[/symbol and annotation]]