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supper aboard, put up hooks and general fixing till late.

Aug 23. Sent [[red underline]] Albert [[/red underline]] to examine engine 
Found much [[red underline]] dirt in carburetor. [[/red underline]] Afternoon took boat to [[red underline]] Petersen [[/red underline]] to have [[red underline]] leaks [[/red underline]] fixed and came back by train from Tarrytown.

Aug 24. [[red underline]] Parsons has written to [[/red underline]] me to obtain my biography to be submitted to [[red underline]] Secretary Daniels [[/red underline]] because the Council of Am. Chemical Company [[red underline]] has nominated Dr. Whitney and me as representatives in advisory board of the Navy. [[/red underline]] 
I do not know whether I ought to accept in view of the fact that I have declined nomination by the Inventors Guild.
Dictated till eleven AM. then took little car to Chemists Club for lunch. Met Prof Herty
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[[symbol in top left margin showing a circle topped by a cross]]
there, then drove to [[red underline]] Brooklyn. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Brook [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Paulus [[/red underline]] in the midst of erection of new galvanized building very substantial 30' x 45' and will not cost above $900.00 inclusive windows and ventilators but not including cement floor. [[red underline]] Peters jubilent [[/red underline]] because he thinks he has found, presence of [[red underline]] bicarbonates [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] is wh [[/strikethrough]] in cathode solution during neutralization is what cuts down our yield. If this is true it will explain many enigmatic facts and capricious 
yield and furnish means to obtain regularly better yield in transformer cell. Charge 3 hours. 
[[symbol in left margin showing a circle topped by a cross with annotation]] 3 hs [[/symbol and annotation]]
[[red underline]] Things look as if we were going to make a great success of this work. [[/red underline]] Afterwards called at [[red underline]] Ishikawas [[/red underline]] hotel, but he was not in. then went to University Club then to Mouquin for supper where

Transcription Notes:
Mr. Ishikawa was an associate of Dr. Baekeland's in 1914.