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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
that [[red underline]] german torpedoes [[/red underline]] would recognize them to easily or so as to prevent that spies might be able to identify them and announce their departures. Nearing [[red underline]] Montreal [[/red underline]] current of river is getting stronger and stronger. We are going only about [[red underline]] 6 miles [[/red underline]] per hour now. 
Right side of river obscured by black smoke blown from numerous chimneys and manufacturing establishments. No longer our quiet restful landscape and clean atmosphere. 
Am seriously looking for some place to anchor or tie up. Current getting stronger and stronger. Water gushing from long bridge on the left, where the current of [[red underline]] Lachine rapids [[/underlined]] comes
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[[Note: 'Cygnet Canada' written in red pencil vertically in left margin]]
in. [[strikethrough]] Stoap [[/strikethrough]] Steep straight concrete wharves everywhere. Finally noticed a basin (Victoria basin) which is out of the [[red underline]] current [[/red underline]] which [[red underline]] now has become so strong as to require careful attention. [[/red underline]] Boat is steadily forging ahead altho' much reduced speed. Water like a boiling caldron! [[full?]] inside basin water is quiet except for continuous small choppy waves. Tied [[red underline]] along steep wharve [[/red underline]] walls and were about to remain there until some french canadians on board of a tug boat suggested [[red underline]] we should anchor below the [[/red underline]] town at some sheltered anchorage where small yachts are anchored. One young french canadian came with me to show the way. We secured haply and proud to be allowed to