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many pretty places I never noticed before.  Nice weather and very pleasant trip.  Back by dark.  then supper at home and took them both to van Cortlandt Park Station.  Sent a wire to [[red underline]] George advising him of Hookers and Bancroft's [[/red underline]] 
Oct. 4.  Hurried dictation.  Left Yonkers 11 A.M with car.  met Celine at Penn. station train 1:08 for [[red underline]] Washington [[red underline]].  Received this morning a letter from [[red underline]] Bancroft [[/red underline]] advising to send [[red underline]] George to preparatory School Sturgis at Ithica and wired him to this effect. [[/red underline]]
Arrived at Shoreham hotel just in time to take hurried supper then theatre. "My Lady's Garter" a detective story.
Oct 5.  Spent all morning at Townsend's  [[red underline]] Urged him to stick to Hooker [[/red underline]]
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and not lend his name to any enterprise which might harm [[?]] which was essentially based on his work.  Then at 11 AM went to [[strikethough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] Board of [[red underline]] interferences [[/red underline]] to listen to arguments of [[red underline]] Frank L. Dyer and Townsend in Baekeland-Aylsworth interference case [[/red underline]] (napthalene). Townsend presented small brief.  Dyer a much longer one.  [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] had lost his temper when he started by saying: "Your honor, I regret to have to start by saying that in all my practice I have never met a case where such a systematic attempt was made to pervert the meaning of straightforward testimony."  [[red underline]] Dyer [[/red underline]] smiled and said: "He does not mean it!"  While [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] was pleading [[strikethrough]] Dyer asked [[strikethrough]] I asked [[red underline]] Dyer [[/red underline]] how Edison would make out as a chairman of the [[red underline]] Naval Advisory board: [[red underline]] He answered