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apt to be brilliant and original in some details where he happens to have gone into.  A gifted inventive genius.  - Gyroscope etc.

[[red underline]] William L. Saunders,[[red underline]] looks more like a bank president. X [[note in left margin, written vertically[[X Selected from Am. Institute Mining Engineers[[/note in left margin, written vertically]]  Thick and square set face. but wide awake sly foxy eyes.  Is here as a mining engineer but has earned his reputation more as a mining business man.  Generally respected for his common sense and good business judgement.

[[red underline]] Benjamin B. Thayer.[[red underline]]
I believe he is another mining man, and vice-president 
of Anaconda Co.  With his protruding ears and beefy face, looks rather 

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undistinguished.  Looks more like [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a politician, but is an earnest intelligent man.

[[red underline]] Prof. F. W. Richards. [[/red underline]] same ways as usual, eager to start of making a statement and to "talk to his clan."

[[red underline]] Lawrence [[Gaddiehs?]] [[/red underline]] Looks always very serious [[insert]] and somewhat listening? [[/insert]] and on this account gives an air of holding something back. altho' after awhile this impression vanishes somewhat.  Ready to be sarcastic, and contradict.

[[brackets]] [[strikethrough]] Afte [[/strikethrough]] All these reflections were written after I had met these people for about two days and are merely first impressions.  [[/brackets]]

After we left Secretary's office to call at [[red underline President Wilson's [[/red underline]] we were confronted with about twenty cameras and moving pictures were made of us.