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second meeting takes place.  The member of the board of Advisers of Navy get up one after another at request of [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] and each one state in simple short matter of fact talk, the needs and requirements of his department and what he thinks are most immediate needs.  [[red underline]] The simplicity and directness of their statement is very impressive. [[/red underline]] -- Very different of what one would get in Europe from military men.  [[red underline]] Surgeon General [[/red underline]] remarks that his branch has not been provided with advisors.
  Admiral [[red underline]] Benson [[/red underline]] seemed rather conservative as compared to the others.

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[[Note written vertically in red in left margin: Wilson's marriage]]

At about 11 P.M a messenger came from the White House to announce that [[red underline]] President Wilson was engaged to be married to Mrs. Galt [[red underline]] a widow who lives in Washington.  The news would be made public tomorrow.  We send him on [[red underline]] Sprague's [[/red underline]] suggestion our congratulations by same messenger. -- [[red underline]] I am rather astonished that Wilson at a time when he has his hands full with enormous responsibilities which would be enough to worry any man, should think of marrying again.  But chacun son gout! [[/red underline]]
We kept at this meeting steadily, no time lost in unnecessary speech making or oratory, but everywhere business like.  It was after midnight when we adjourned.