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[[vertically in left margin in red]] Cygnet [[/left margin]]
engines rushed up but fire was soon extinguished. [[Strikethrough]] Aft [[/strikethrough]] This morning after strenuous dictation till about 12 I did not feel what to do nor where to go. and as Albert seemed rather disposed to forget his burned hands we left [[red underlined]] the Cygnet [[/red underlined]] about 1:05. Against the tide. about 1:20 P.M passed 125 street. Then in the busy waters of New York. [[red underlined]] Near Statue of Liberty [[/red underlined]] engine began to balk. Albert disappeared under the hatch. Frequent tapping on gasoline feed finally helped us out. Then [[red underlined]] entrance in Kill van Kull. [[red underlined]] Factories and docks on both sides. Not a [[t??nice?]] not
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a cheerful sight except chimneys, docks and smells and smoke. This seems to be the feeding artery of all the metallurgical and chemical enterprises of Jersey. Finally at 6 P.M. aout [[?under]]near the shore of [[red underlined]] Sewaren. [[/red underlined]]  Perfect calm. - water as smooth as oil, temperature quite mild and no wind. Restful spot between all these factories. Excellent supper of canned soup and canned beans, then after a smoke went to bed.
Oct 13.
Quiet night undisturbed except that I awoke three times which gave me everytime opportunity to do some reading. At 7 AM quiet beautiful morning. no wind. but heavy fog near surface of water so progress was hesitating as we could not see more than