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[[red underline]] found a big dossier of reports [[/red underline]] sent [[red underline]] by an english spy [[/red underline]] and was treated [[red underline]] very unpleasantly [[/red underline]] to the point that [[red underline]] now he feels very resentful towards [[/red underline]] the english.  [[red underline]] Crosby [[/red underline]] says that [[red underline]] Belgian [[/red underline]] manufacturers are [[red underline]] complaining [[/red underline]] bitterly [[red underline]] against british blockade [[/red underline]] which prevents them of exporting their goods and compels them of keeping their factories idle while the [[red underline]] british [[/red underline]] are taking their trade.  Undoubtedly the British have another side to this story when they take their own standpoint.  The [[red underline]] dutch are getting irritated [[/red underline]] more and more too on account of the continuous restrictions the english are imposing on their trade and he says [[strikethrough]] their [[/strikethrough]] there is a [[red underline]] growing sentiment against the [[/red underline]]
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british [[red underline]] altho' they dislike the Germans and are Pro-Allies. [[/red underline]]
He says things in Belgium seem to go on their usual ways. [[red underline]] Good dinners [[/red underline]] etc.  Says he [[red underline]] got the best dinner he ever ate in Brussels and in Ghent.  Dinner in Ghent at Jules de Hemptinne. [[/red underline]]  He says matters are incomparably [[red underline]] more gloomy [[/red underline]] in the [[red underline]] North of France [[/red underline]] than in Belgium where excepting around the [[strikethrough]] Uf [[/strikethrough]] Yser district [[/red underline]] everything seems to have adjusted itself to a [[strikethrough]] rather [[/strikethrough]] more or less normal state of affairs except the presence of some german soldiers and the many restrictions imposed upon the belgian population by their conquerors.  
One very characteristic statement: [[red underline]] "Nothing surpasses the hatred of the average Belgian for the Germans; next comes the [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] hated [[/strikethrough]] hatred of the German for the