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and sentiment said: " [[ red underlined]] and when a question is taken up and some work is done we do not know whether it is Admiral Griffin or Dr. Baekeland who did the work. [[/red underlined]] "
Many speeches [[strikethrough]] lis [[/strikethrough]] this lasted till 1 P.M. Several other members of U.S. Naval Consulting board present. Saunders, Spencer Miller, Sperry Woodward, Emmet, Whitney Richards, Addicks, etc.
March 26. (Sunday) Nice mild pleasant sunny weather. Feels like Spring. Took train 3 P.M. went to University Club for Supper, where Albert came to take me with car. Astonished to find everything much colder and in Yonkers still much snow left
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[[left margin written vertically]] 'omplaining about wild driving of George and danger to his children! It so happens George has been absent in Cornell [[/left margin]]
March 27. Disagreeably surprised to receive a very aggressive and [[red underlined]] ungentlemanly letter of my new neighbor Reed. Man was either drunk or partially insane when he wrote it. [[/red underlined]] Dictated a dignified but severe answer, to teach him matters; Later on he called me up at phone apologizing for letter, saying letter should never have been sent and was not signed by him [[red underlined]] but by one of his employees.! [[/red underlined]]
Busy all day with belated correspondence.
Evening [[red underlined]] Reed [[/red underlined]] came here to [[red underlined]] apologize, [[/red underlined]] has a wild look as if he were a [[red underlined]] nervous, mentally unbalanced [[/red underlined]] man or a man who [[red underlined]] drinks [[/red underlined]] - Made very unpleasant impression lacks manners, tact and behavior. Looks as if we