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This is a splendid development of public park system.  Evening for supper to University Club.
May 31.  Somewhat troubled with colics in lower intestine.  Home all day.
[[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] busily at work [[strikethrough]] unt [[/strikethrough]] cramming Geometry and Latin for her exam with her [[red underline]] Mrs. Brown [[/red underline]] her teacher till 10 P.M 
[[black underline]] June 1, 1916 [[/black underline]]  Beautiful Spring day.  Went to Brooklyn.  Sutherland has recovered from his illness.  Found them [[red underline]] roasting formate now in pans and in a kettle, [[/red underline]] filling by hand but this increases steadily supply of [[red underline]] oxalate [[/red underline]].  Described sketch of Paulus for new [[red underline]] automatic roaster [[/red underline]] with drum heated  internally
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[[circle with cross above in top left hand margin]]
also other designs for plant etc.  [[red underline]] Mercury cell [[/red underline]] is being put in [[red underline]] better shape so [[/red underline]] as to be able to start anew.  Charge 5 hrs. 
[[circle with cross above 5 hrs. in left margin]]
Evening went to University Club there met Bridges, Editor of [[red underline]] Scribner's [[/red underline]] who was [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] talking with [[red underline]] Embassador Page [[/red underline]] He tells me my article on nitrogen [[red underline]] is excellent [[/red underline]] and he will publish it unabridged altho' it has [[red underline]] 8500 words. [[/red underline]] I feel much encouraged to know that a rather technical article should please so much.  Celine wires [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] will be in condition to come home to morrow.
June 2.  Letter from [[red underline]] Bridges [[/red underline]] confirming his praises on my article.  Beautiful day.  Afternoon went to meeting of [[red underline]] Committee on Industrial Relations [[/red underline]]