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[[vertical entry left margin]] Bad news in afternoon papers about [[red underline]] big naval battle in  Skaggerak [[/red underline]] where many [[red underline]] british ships [[/red underline]] were sunk and Germans did much offensive work altho' lost several ships themselves. [[/marginal entry]]
of [[red underline]] Am. Electrochemical Society. [[/red underline]] Fitzgerald presiding [[strikethrough]] in his. [[/strikethrough]] Astonished not to see [[red underline]] Richards [[/red underline]] was told it had been decided that only american citizens could sit on this board and that he, [[red underline]] Lash Miller and Roeber [[/red underline]] were excluded on this account. -- I wonder why Richards if he has not the ambition to apply for citizenship should [[red underline]] lack the tact of sitting on Naval Board? [[/red underline]]
Evening at 10 P.M  Celine arrived with [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] at 125 St Station.  George looks pale and sickly and bowed shoulders but seems cheerful.  Walks with some difficulty.  Stiffness in the joints. Good rest and care
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[[circle with cross above in top left margin]]
will do much.
June 3.  Paulus announces [[red underline]] shaft of formate drum is sprung [[/red underline]].
[[circle with cross above and "1 h." in left margin]]
[[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] lying comfortably in his bed reading. With his moustache reminds me much of that photograph of mine made in Ghent Laboratory when I was about his age.  Wrote some of article [[strikethrough]] of[[/strikethrough]] for [[red underline]] World's Work. [[/red underline]]
June 4, 1916. (Sunday) Dictated in talking machine remainder of text for article [[red underline]] "World's Work." [[/red underline]]
Cool bright pleasant day.  Afternoon drove out in little car over Sea Cliff. Long Island and evening at University Club
June 5.  Worked more on article of [[red underline]] World's Work [[/red underline]] also dictating reports and opinions on nitric acid problem.  Afternoon interview with [[red underline]] Frank L. Dyer [[red underline]] and