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Emptied my pockets very rapidly and left after about one hour with about seventy Dollars distributed right and left. Went for supper at University Club.
June 6. [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] looks better but still [[red underline]] unable to move out of bed on [[/red underline]] account of his Rheumatism. Busy day dictating and [[strikethrough]] writing for [[/strikethrough]] correcting article World's Work. 
June 7.  Board Directors. Good month. [[red underline]] $73000 deliveries. Hasslacher [[/red underline]] there. Peters absent at Chicago Republican convention. Lunch with Mrs. [[red underline]] Robert Bruere [[/red underline]] at Womens City Club to discuss my article for [[red underline]] Harpers [[/red underline]] so as to introduce some additions to make some technical points
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clearer for popular mind. To night when I came home found [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] suffering much on arms hands and chest. Remained at his bed till 3 A.M. [[red underline]] Poor chap tries to smile but is entirely helpless and is so thankful for any assistance. [[/red underline]] Little sleep.
June 8. Corrected proof just received from [[red underline]] Scribner's [[/red underline]] of my nitrogen article. Worked remainder of day at letters and [[red underline]] Harpers [[/red underline]] article on Chemists.
June 9. Dictated my [[strikethrough]] article [[/strikethrough]] address for [[red underline]]John Hopkins University's American Gas Centennial [[red underline]] Went to Chemists club for meeting of trustees. Returning home found [[red underline]] George up at midnight [[/red underline]] he seems more comfortable than yesterday. His troubles are now all with his legs and feet.
[[strikethrough]] June 10. Away early [[/strikethrough]] This afternoon was [[red underline]] Nina's [[/red underline]] class day. Celine

Transcription Notes:
On June 16, 1916, Johns Hopkins University held a meeting in McCoy Hall with invited speakers to mark the significance of the American Gas Centenary.