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expected in a proverbially smoky and commercial city.- [[red underline]] a real revelation 
Evening big Alumni banquet [[/red underline]] at same hotel. [[red underline]] I was guest of honor, [[/red underline]] on the right of the [[red underline]] Chancellor. [[/red underline]] many speeches and my speech which I rather [[red underline]] improvised [[/red underline]] was received with great kindness and much applause. I seemed to have struck right note.

June 15. Rainy day. Lucky it did not rain yesterday.
Took lunch with [[red underline]] Grant McCargo at the magnificent hotel. The "William Penn" [[/red underline]] his latest enterprise on which Frick is his financial partner. He tells me they lost $400,000 by a strike of their workmen but notwithstanding this the
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hotel was constructed just during period of depression following beginning of the war so their materials cost them considerably less. They spent about $5,000,000 on this hotel. Spoke about many things, he was exceedingly friendly. Told me he has spent $12000 to $15000 to try [[red underline]] to make bakelite [[/red underline]] packing, that [[red underline]] packing is excellent but it becomes brittle if kept in stock hence it would be impossible to distribute it. [[/red underline]] Says is still willing to go ahead if we can improve it so that it keeps its flexibility.
Then took train to [[red underline]] Westinghouse [[/red underline]] Very busy place [[red underline]] 20000 employes now. Never saw it so busy. Thought occurred to me that most of these employes are directly or indirectly [[red underline]] helping the gigantic struggles [[/red underline]] of the allies in Europe against the arrogance of german

Transcription Notes:
Grant McCargo was an engineer and president of the San Toy Mining Co.