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everything is ship shape.
July 2. Here all day. Quite warm but good breeze. [[red underline]] George better [[/red underline]]
I read [[strikethrough]] here [[/strikethrough]] in the paper of [[red underline]] new tariff [[/red underline]] on [[strikethrough]] chem [[/strikethrough]] organic chemicals but [[red underline]] bakelite has been badly overlooked although [[/red underline]] piece of [[red underline]] phenol [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] has a [[/strikethrough]] would be almost [[red underline]] double what [[/red underline]] it is.- More work for me, to go and try to persuade them to amend. [[red underline]] 
Mrs. Sarton [[/red underline]] here
July 3 Last night violent thunderstorm
Afternoon went aboard [[red underline]] Cygnet [[/red underline]] to put canned provisions in lockers, till towards dark.
July 4. Beautiful weather, very little or no firecrackers. [[red underline]] What a difference with the noise and nerveracking din of a few [[/red underline]] years ago. took 12:08 train for [[red underline]] Washington [[/red underline]] to try to show to Ways and Means committee a defect in their
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bill for revenue.
At Cosmos Club met [[red underline]] ^[[Henry]] Washington and Bigelow [[/red underline]] and we went together to Alhambra an open air restaurant where we ate crabs, [[strikethrough]] nat [[/strikethrough]] and beer direct from brewery.
July 5. Charming weather. Went to Secretary [[red underline]] Daniel's [[/red underline]] office but was out. Captain [[red underline]] Strother Smith [[/red underline]] arranged that secretary of [[red underline]] Daniels [[/red underline]] gave me letter of introduction for [[red underline]] Claude Kitchen chairman ways and means [[/red underline]] com. Lunched with Rear [[red underline]] Admiral Straus [[/red underline]] at Army and Navy Club, there met [[red underline]] General Crozier. Straus [[/red underline]] does not seem to be acquainted with fact that [[red underline]] nitric acid [[/red underline]] problem involves [[red underline]] cheap nitrogen [[/red underline]] fertilizer problem. Drove to Capitol but [[red underline]] Kitchen [[/red underline]] is in session. Arranged to return to his office tomorrow 
[[annotation in left margin]] Had to omit director's meeting of Gen. Bakelite Co. Sales are [[red underline]] $70,000 for June [[/red underline]]
[[/annotation in left margin]]