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Bought a lot of summer wear ready made and underwear about $143 in all.
Evening [[red underline]] Bigelow [[/red underline]] invited me for supper on roof garden of National Press Club.
July 6. Up early. At 10, met Mr. [[red underline]] Warren secretary of Kitchen. [[/red underline]] Explained to him injustice done to [[red underline]] bakelite [[/red underline]] by raising tariff on phenol and not including us in protected list of products. [[red underline]] He sees the point [[/red underline]] and proposes to put phenol back on free list but I tell him that in this case all synthetic [[red underline]] phenol [[/red underline]] plants will be [[red underline]] dismantled [[/red underline]] and that I look at this matter also from standpoint of preparedness so as to have full equipment for making [[red underline]] picric acid [[/red underline]] in time of war. He was
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[[red underline]] very friendly says [[/red underline]] to meet their expert tomorrow.
Took lunch with Captain [[red underline]] Strother Smith [[/red underline]] at Army and Navy Club. I gave him the letters of [[red underline]] Henry Howard. [[/red underline]] He shows me Navy bill as drafted now including [[red underline]] $2,000,000 for experimental [[/red underline]] laboratory. Met Rear [[red underline]] Admiral Edwards [[/red underline]] at Army and Navy Club. Then went to [[red underline]] General Croziers office [[/red underline]] where had long conference on subject of nitric acid, partly in presence of [[red underline]] Col. Hoefer. [[/red underline]] Advised him to go slowly with use of [[red underline]] $20,000,000. for nitrate plant [[/red underline]] and study first all processes. Advised [[red underline]] to send competent chemist, man of tact [[/red underline]] to England, France and Germany to [[red underline]] gather more facts [[/red underline]] on the subject. Also to cooperate with [[red underline]] Bureau [[/red underline]]     

Transcription Notes:
Picric acid is one of the most acidic phenols and is chiefly used in making explosives.